Wild on Sanibel

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Gator in my yard!!

We have a wildlife cam at the back edge of our yard.  Every morning, we look at the photos from the past 24 hours.  When we looked at the photos this morning, we had a bit of a surprise!  This big gator walked in front of the camera yesterday evening just after 7:30 pm (camera hasn't been reset to daylight savings time).  We also have a webcam attached to the back of our home.  The pool cage was in the way, but you can see the gator coming from the street beside our home walking very fast to the water.  This is THE reason we have a cage around our pool!!  As a reference point, from the leaf you see under the end of his snout to that white pole is 4 ft.  So, we are guessing that he is probably at least 6 ft. long, maybe a little more.  There are some more photos of him on the Wildlife Cam tab above.  Scroll to the bottom of that page to see them.