Lazy Sunday morning

We took a drive through Ding this morning and a walk down Indigo Trail. We saw just one occupied nest. The rest were empty. The yellow-crowned night heron had 2 or 3 eggs in the nest.

A green heron was grabbing breakfast at the edge of the water.

I almost missed the tri-colored heron that was camouflaged in the tree roots and limbs.

Look at these eyes!

The little blue heron in the white phase is such a pretty bird.

We stopped when we saw this snake in the road. It’s some sort of water snake I think, but not sure exactly what type.

These next photos were taken behind our home over the last few days.

There was a blue heron in the white phase on the opposite side of the lake, but even at the long distance, it is still worth catching a photo!

Also, at a distance down the lake, a tri-colored heron and a gallinule. You can always see their candy corn beaks!