Morning at Six Mile Cypress Slough

We took an early morning walk on the boardwalk at Six Mile Cypress Slough (pronounced slew). There wasn’t a lot of activity, but I was able to get a few photos. It’s quite fascinating to walk on a boardwalk through a swamp.

We saw a couple of families of wood ducks. The mother ducks had their work cut out for them, trying to keep up with the chicks.

Seriously, how cute are these little guys?

Time to herd them all to safety. They seemed to know when she meant business and would stop the shenanigans.

Squirrel overhead!

We saw a pair of white egrets nesting on the opposite bank of the pond.

There were many odd mushrooms to see.

I had to ask a volunteer what these were. She said that it’s the bloom on a buttonbush. A bee was diving in head first to get to the good stuff.