Love is in the air along the boardwalk

We started with a walk down the Indigo Trail to the boardwalk at Ding this morning. We were treated to many yellow-crowned night herons starting to build their nests and getting amorous.

Teamwork wins out every time!

There’s almost always a couple of anhingas around. This female looks as if she is smiling at me.

The water was extremely still in the creek at the boardwalk and the sky was bright blue. My husband pointed out an anhinga reflection.

We saw a few green herons, too.

What are you looking at, lady?

Maybe if I look away, she will move along

Mama, I don’t like the mud. Can we go home now?

Ugh . . . mud

We were even treated to a Black-crowned Night Heron. It was hiding back in the trees. Every time I see one, I always have to comment that they are larger than I remember.

A pretty great blue heron was standing in the shade at the edge of the water, near the end of Wildlife Drive.

We made a stop by the beach to soak up some of the beautiful sunny, clear day.

A week ago, the hawk below was in a dead tree across from our yard. It was a dreary day, so the photo isn’t good, but he was a pretty hawk.

Birds of February

February always seems like a good month for birds at Ding. I think they know that high season just started and they want to have their photos taken. The white pelicans are still around, along with some roseate spoonbills, wood storks, egrets, and herons. We started out the drive through Ding by seeing an osprey overhead with breakfast.

Then, we were treated to watching a feeding frenzy with the snowy egrets.

A great white egret with the pretty green eyes showing off mating plumage came flying by.

The Great Blue Heron always has a regal look.

The lucky wood stork below found an alligator gar and the other guys wanted it!

Mine. Mine. Mine!!!!


They finally gave up and let him eat in peace.

It’s fun to see so many wood storks in one location.

A walk around Pond Apple Trail found some anhingas and brown pelicans. Both of the birds below are showing off their mating plumage.

We checked out the osprey nest at the end of Dixie Beach Rd. The osprey in the nest also checked me out!

A zoomed-in look at those eyes!

Back home, there was a male osprey with a fierce look, in the top of a tree across the street.

Pond Apple Trail day

My photo opportunities happened to be better at Pond Apple Trail today, than they were at Ding. It’s just the luck of the draw most days. I think we probably went a little too late to Ding this morning. But never fear, there’s always some wildlife to be found on the island, starting with the pretty Green Heron at Pond Apple.

This male Anhinga, with his beautiful mating plumage turquoise eye and fresh hairdo, is ready for a mate!

This female Anhinga was just a few feet away, looking interested!

Hey! Psssst!! You know, those American White Pelicans will be heading north one day soon and you’ll just have to take photos of us! Might as well start now!

The juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron below was in the exact spot that I photographed one a couple of months ago. I wonder if it is the same one? He was trying to catch a nap.

And, just like last time, there was this huge alligator hanging out below.

As we were walking back to the car, we saw several Magnificent Frigatebirds gliding around overhead. I’m always in awe of their size. They have around a 7 foot wingspan and are around 3 1/2 feet long. They are so prehistoric looking. The male has the red neck pouch and the female has white on the head and neck. The younger the female, the more white they have. Due to how high the sun was in the sky, the photos didn’t turn out as well as I’d have liked.

There was a buzzard pretending he was cool and soaring around with the Magnificent Frigatebirds.

Girls gotta stick together!

Back at home, this cool metal bird feeder was a Christmas present from our daughter. This grey catbird thinks it’s a great gift! Maybe it is demonstrating where “being in the catbird seat” came from?

You may have already seen the following on my Facebook or Instagram. If not, I was out taking photos of the “wolf” moon on Thursday evening. I just happened to catch a plane going between the moon and me.

Foggy Start to Saturday Morning

We were socked in with a very foggy morning on Saturday. By the time we’d gone about halfway down Wildlife Drive, it started clearing away. It made for some interesting photos at the beginning, though.

How can you pass up such cool spider webs to photograph?

The white pelicans are still very plentiful at Ding. Before we know it, they will be heading back north.

It’s fun to watch the white pelicans come in for a landing. They water ski to a stop on those big feet .

It’s always more fun to bathe with a friend!

I love it when I can catch a bird scratching during flight

I had taken my camera off the tripod and I was turning to leave, when I glanced back and saw this snowy egret land on the sandbar. As I raised my camera to take a quick shot, he decided to give a really good shake. Sorry for so many photos that follow below (and yes, there were even more), but I couldn’t choose only a couple.

Whew! All better!

Then, a quick stop at the Bailey Tract. We saw an anhinga and a couple of gators.