Wild on Sanibel

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Wood Storks and more!

On our drive through Ding on Saturday, I took some photos of a Great Blue Heron. It was early and a bit chilly. There weren’t many birds around. There were probably more birds after it warmed up later in the morning. The light was great for these pics, though.

We took a bike ride through Pond Apple Trail around mid-day today. The light was very harsh, but I was able to get very close to several Wood Storks. While they aren’t rare birds, it just happens that I have never been able to get close enough to photograph one on the island. They have a face that only a mother could love, don’t they?

The gator was just a few feet behind this wood stork.

I was very excited to see this Black-Crowned Night Heron. It’s another bird that I’ve not been able to get a photo of since we’ve been on the island.