Wild on Sanibel

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Super moon equals super low tide!

We waded through the crowds of people at Ding yesterday to see some of the lowest tides we've seen there.  There were plenty of chances to see many birds up close!  (Apologies ahead of time for so many pics!)

This fisherman had just caught a sheepshead fish.  Their teeth are eerily human looking.

Lots of Great Blue Heron action.  Roseate spoonbills are my favorite, but the Great Blue runs a close second!!

Sometimes, you just have to shake it off!!

And then you just look so handsome!!

Then, you see lunch over there and hurry over!  But, you can still look graceful while you do!

Look closely and you'll see his orange beak sticking through the fish.

We watched as he stabbed the fish, threw it down, stabbed it again many times and dipped it in the water to wash it off.

And then "down the hatch".  How does that big fish with sharp fins fit down that skinny little neck?

Don't you hate when you are the only one having a bad hair day?

And it is a race to the finish!!!

And the winner is . . .

Shrimp snack!

Yum!  Hit the spot!

Be vewwy quiet .  .  .  I'm hunting for little fish!

Ah, got it!!

I see one, I see one!!!

Got it!!!

Ok, so this isn't wildlife, but it was on Wildlife Drive at Ding.  And it is the wildest paint job I think I've ever seen!

We have a huge Orchid tree in our yard.  The blooms are beautiful, but the tree makes a mess that my husband doesn't find amusing!

If you made it this far today, thank you for looking at my photos!