Wild on Sanibel

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Baby bird update!

We checked up on the nesting birds on the Indigo Trail and then drove through the refuge today.  The baby Little Green Heron has grown and has started to get a few more feathers and a little less fuzz.

The adult Little Green Heron was sitting on a branch near the nest.  The colors on this beautiful bird are amazing!

We were fortunate to be near the Tri-Colored Heron's nest just in time for the changing of the guard!

As they moved apart, you can see the 3 eggs are still there (bottom left of the pic).

All settled in . . .

How would you caption the photo below?  This Spoonbill behavior always makes me smile.

I'm not sure if I like the pink feathers better against a blue sky or against the green trees.  I'm glad I don't have to choose!

We found this pretty Little Blue Heron fishing at the edge of the water and being successful.

This beautiful Great White Egret posed for us as we left the refuge.  Another beautiful (and hot) day on Sanibel Island!