Wildlife Refuge Amateur Photo Contest

I was very happy today to have won Honorable Mention in the Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge Amateur Photo Contest.  There were 122 photos submitted from 17 states and 5 countries.  So, the competition was quite steep.  The photo below is my photo that received Honorable Mention.  You can see all the winners here - https://www.dingdarlingsociety.org/photo-contests/2016/DDD_photoContest_2016.html

Seeing the contest photos of the manatee made me comment to my husband that I had never gotten a chance to get pictures of a manatee.  A couple of hours later, I was walking across a bayou bridge at Bowman's Beach and found this mama and baby in the water below.

I went on to spend a couple of hours sitting on the beach visiting with friends.  The weather was perfect, the visit was great, and this gull came along for a quick photo.